The Right Fit - Career Services

Tips for Finding Your Fit

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5 tips for a standout resume

  1. Market your resume to the job that you are seeking. Identify the career highlights that showcase your qualifications for this next job.

  2. Aim for 3-5 bullet points that showcase key achievements at each professional experience.

  3. Use active verbs throughout the resume.

  4. Include a robust list of skills - including transferable skills - that will set you apart from the competition.

  5. Aim for one page if you are early career and two pages for mid-career.

Cover Letters

5 steps for mastering the cover letter

  1. State your objective at the start of the letter.

  2. Customize your letter for EACH job that you are pursuing.  It is worth the extra time, and employers will take note when you have done your homework.

  3. Include qualitative, narrative information that complements your resume AND sheds light on your distinctive strengths and qualifications.  

  4. Be concise and direct (limit your letter to ONE page).

  5. Be yourself!


5 Keys to Gaining Visibility

  1. Customize your banner to reflect your professional aspirations.

  2. Craft a confident and succinct headline.

  3. Be a regular contributor by highlighting your accomplishments, posting articles, liking other posts and more.

  4. Aim for a network of 500+ connections.

  5. Keep your profile current. As you gain skills, promotions, certifications, etc. be sure to update your profile with those credentials.


5 tips for acing your interview

  1. Be yourself!  Speak to your strengths without overselling your qualifications.  It is okay to not know the answer to every question. 

  2. Be ready to acknowledge one of your weaknesses in a way that does not throw your candidacy under the bus.  Consider focusing on an area of weakness that you have worked hard to turn into a strength.

  3. Do your homework to learn as much as you can about the potential employer.  Likewise, ask questions about the job, the employer, the culture of the organization, etc.  Show your interest and eagerness to learn more!

  4. Consider the interview a two way process.  Just as the employer is interviewing you for fit, you are determining if the job is a good fit for you.

  5. Write a thank you note (email is fine) within 24 hours to each person who interviews you.  Reference specific moments from the interview and reiterate why you are the best person for the job.

Networking: Phase 1

Planning a career move but not sure how to begin?  Networking is an excellent starting point.  Consider these steps:

  1. Reach out to relevant contacts and ask for 30-minutes of their time.  You will be surprised by how many people are willing to meet with you!

  2. Be open to learning as much as you can.  

  3. Prepare a list of questions and be ready to talk about your goals and aspirations.

  4. Ask for suggestions about what steps you can take to strengthen your skill sets, where to turn to learn about market trends, and recommendations for additional contacts.  

  5. Maintain a mindset that each networking meeting is part of an exciting journey and is NOT an interview for a specific job. Enjoy the ride!

Networking: Phase 2

You have cast a wide net and built a strong professional network, What’s next?  Consider:

  1. What are your strengths, talents and passions?  What energizes you?

  2. What networking meetings left you buzzing with excitement and why?

  3. What jobs/careers match your strengths AND your interests (and your target compensation)?  What professional steps do you need to take to enter this field?

Defining your purpose. At this point:

  1. Take a more targeted approach to networking.

  2. At each networking session, ask for two suggestions for strengthening your resume and for two new professional contacts.

  3. Take action steps: build new skills, start reading professional journals, enroll in a relevant course, etc.  You will gain more confidence while adding tangible strengths that you can highlight on your resume AND later on during the interview process.