Ready to jumpstart your job search?

What We Do


LinkedIn Profiles

Finetune your brand and get noticed on social media with an up-to-date LinkedIn profile.

Starting at $150

Bundle your LinkedIn profile with your customized resume and receive a $50 discount!

Resumes & Cover Letters

Land more interviews with a customized resume & cover letter that highlight your unique qualifications.

Packages starting at $350

Ask about our early career discount!

Career Coaching

Identify your transferable skills, prep for interviews, and enhance your job search strategies. 

Individualized Sessions Starting at $100

Click on the Contact Us Button to Learn More!

What People Are Saying


“Stephanie provided valuable and highly personalized career advice. She listened carefully to everything I shared and synthesized the information into a clear resume and cover letter. The finished products were better than anything I could have done on my own. From beginning to end, the process was nothing but a positive experience.”

— Kirsten P.

“It was a pleasure to work with Stephanie. I had been working outside my chosen field and had feelings of insecurity about getting back into it. Stephanie's confidence and patience were reassuring. She is an impressive professional with the expertise to bring your resume to life. She also has the character and integrity to invest in your resume with the commitment she has to her own. Stephanie's work ethic and focus resulted in a high quality resume and cover letter that I will feel great about sending to any employer. She successfully took an existing cover letter and created an even stronger one through wordsmithing. READ MORE…

— Yolanda S-P

“My session with Stephanie was incredibly helpful toward refining and fine-tuning my resume. I especially liked how she asked me guiding questions about what kind of career I wanted in the future, and used those answers to shape her pointers about my resume. The advice was not general at all, but rather very specific and catered toward my story which I found to be valuable for editing my resume. Most importantly, Stephanie got to know and understand me as a person first, and emphasized my character traits on my resume for hiring managers. Overall, I really enjoyed my time with Stephanie and really appreciate her specialized and helpful editing of my resume.”

— Michelle Z.